How to Put Silicone Through the SUS “Prosthesis”


Place silicone through the SUS, our famous Unified Health System, already well known and suffering. This phrase certainly messes with the minds of Brazilian women, because without a doubt this is the dream of many of them. Let's see the reality in this poust.

This desire to put silicone prosthesis by SUS, is already quite old and unanimity among low-income women. It is necessary to understand in which situations it is possible to perform the surgery for free. We will detail everything in this post.

Placing free silicone through the SUS Yes, it is possible, but there are some restrictions. It is worth remembering that the Unified Health System also offers other plastic surgeries, however, the procedure is always done for specific reasons and not for aesthetics.


How to Put Silicone Through the SUS

The Unified Health System is an achievement of the low-income classes in our country. It is possible to carry out almost all consultations or surgical procedures, however, in the case of plastic surgery or a request to place silicone, follow certain rules.

There are several situations in which it is possible to place the order and be granted. Are they:

  • In case of severe burns in which the breasts have been seriously compromised.
  • In case of women who had breast cancer, and who needed to do the procedure to remove the breast.
  • In case of domestic violence in which the woman has part of her breast altered or torn apart.
  • In case of a serious accident where the breast is affected and needs to be reconstructed.

How to Apply for Free Silicone Placement Through the SUS

The procedure for ordering a breast reconstruction for some of the reasons mentioned above is quite simple. All the patient has to do is go to a basic health unit in their state and fill in the basic requirements to have access to the procedure.


It is worth remembering that the queue is long, as in every process that is carried out through the Unified Health System. It takes patience and a dose of insistence to achieve this specific procedure. But it's worth it because the procedure will be done.

There are cases in which women have both breasts destroyed, either by accident or by illness, in which case it is possible to do everything in the same order. In Brazil, the incidence rate of breast cancer is 51.29 per 100,000 women (2019 data)

It pays to put silicone through the SUS

Let's think about it; if the woman in question fits the basic requirements mentioned in this article, and still belongs to the lower classes, and does not have a health plan that covers the procedure, the answer is “yes”, it certainly pays off.

Now, if the woman in question has a good health plan, or has the financial condition to bear the costs of the entire process, the answer is “no”, because the process through the SUS is slow and most of the time it is necessary to enter a Huge queue.

There is still the emotional factor, as women who need this type of procedure are very emotionally shaken, and as if that were not enough, it is necessary to go through all the delay that the SUS offers to perform such procedures.

The Emotional Impact on Women Who Lost Their Breasts

We know that the breast is something very intimate and important for women, the emotional impact is very great on most mastectomized women, that is, who had their breasts removed. Professional follow-up is needed in these cases.

Because, in addition to aesthetics, the breast has a direct relationship with a woman's femininity. In many cases, women are afraid of losing their partners, or even that they are no longer able to have natural intimate relationships with their respective partners.

That is why it is extremely important to have a professional psychological follow-up throughout the process, so that this emotional impact is reduced as much as possible, so that the patient returns to her normal life as soon as possible. know more like SUS offers the procedure.

The tip is always to carry out the touch exam, and in case of any doubt, immediately seek a doctor in the area to carry out the necessary exams, because the sooner you find out, the better to treat yourself. It is not indicated to delay in these cases.

According to the Ministry of Health, more than 59,700 (fifty-nine thousand and seven hundred) women were affected by breast cancer in 2019. It is a significant volume, which is why prevention is extremely important in these cases.

Finally, if you fit the basic requirements described in this post, just look for a basic health unit and place your order, the final tip is to go as soon as possible, as the queue can be long and the wait too. Good luck!

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