Applications to download free books


In the digital age we live in, technology has provided access to a wide range of educational and entertainment resources. In other words, among these resources, books play a fundamental role in the dissemination of knowledge and the cultural enrichment of people.

With the advent of smartphones and tablets, access to reading has become even more accessible through applications dedicated to providing free books. These apps offer a wide variety of titles and genres, allowing users to access a virtual library on their mobile devices, anytime, anywhere.


LibriVox is a platform that provides free audiobooks in the public domain. With a vast collection of classic literary works, the app offers a unique listening experience to users. With an extensive collection that ranges from the great classics of literature to lesser-known works, the application offers a unique listening experience for users.


Through volunteers who record and make their readings available, LibriVox offers a wide variety of works in different languages, allowing users to enjoy great literary classics while carrying out other activities, such as walking, cooking or driving.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is one of the largest digital libraries in the world, offering more than 60,000 free books in a variety of formats, including ePub, Kindle, HTML and plain text. Founded in 1971 by Michael S. Hart, the project aims to make public domain literary works widely available to the general public.

Through its app, users can explore a vast collection of world literature classics, from works by Shakespeare and Dickens to sacred texts and historical documents. However, this diversity of content makes the Project Gutenberg application an invaluable source of knowledge and entertainment for reading lovers.



Wattpad is a collaborative reading and writing platform that allows users to discover and share stories across genres such as romance, fantasy, science fiction, and more. With millions of stories available for free, the application offers a unique interaction experience between authors and readers.

In addition to reading works by other writers, users can also publish their own stories, receive feedback from the community, and even be discovered by publishers looking for new literary talent. Wattpad not only offers the opportunity to read works by other writers, but also allows users to publish their own stories.

Kindle Unlimited

Although Kindle Unlimited is a paid subscription service, it offers users the opportunity to access thousands of ebooks for free during a 30-day trial period. With a wide selection of titles in different genres, including bestsellers and recent releases, the service provides an immersive reading experience for book lovers.

Additionally, the Kindle app allows users to read on multiple devices, synchronizing their reading progress across all their devices. One of the significant advantages of Kindle Unlimited is the ability to access the library on multiple devices.


Applications for downloading free books have revolutionized the way people access and consume literary content. With a variety of options available, from audiobooks to ebooks, these apps offer a convenient and affordable way to explore the vast world of literature, that is, through world literature classics.

However, these apps provide an enriching reading experience for all types of readers. Thus, at the touch of a button, reading becomes an even more pleasurable and accessible activity, allowing knowledge and imagination to flow freely, wherever we are.

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