Call Blocker App


Call blocking apps are software tools that help users to protect themselves from unwanted calls.

These apps can block calls from unknown numbers, as well as identify suspicious numbers that you've received calls from before.


A cada dia que passa, cresce a necessidade de se proteger contra chamadas indesejadas de números desconhecidos.

Essas chamadas podem ser uma forma de tentativa de fraude, assédio, spam ou mesmo algum golpe.


Although there are some services that allow the user to block unwanted calls, it is possible to get more protection by installing an application that blocks calls from unknown numbers.

What are call blocking apps?

Call blocking apps are not only a way to protect yourself against unwanted calls, but also offer the user several other features.

Some applications allow the user to block numbers according to their own criteria, such as phone numbers that start with certain digits, numbers that contain letters, etc.

Other apps automatically block calls from unknown numbers using databases of information about blocked and unknown numbers.

Why block unknown numbers?

There are many reasons why you might want to block unknown numbers.

Os números desconhecidos podem incluir ligações de spam, robôs de chamadas, fraudadores e outros que querem obter informações confidenciais ou lhe enganar.

Bloquear esses números pode proteger a sua privacidade e segurança.

Many of these apps also allow the user to set up allowed contact lists, which means that only people on that list will be able to call the user.

How do these apps block unknown numbers?

Each app works a little differently. Some use a list of unknown numbers compiled by other users, while others use artificial intelligence to identify suspicious numbers.

Alguns aplicativos também permitem que você adicione números individuais à sua lista de bloqueio para que o usuário não receba chamadas de números específicos.

Assim, para saber quais são os números que estão tentando ligar para o celular, mesmo que o usuário não tenha atendido a chamada.

In addition, many of these apps also offer additional security features, such as locating your device in case it is lost or stolen.

What are the best call blocking apps?

We've put together some great call blocking apps available for download. Check out the best ones below.

Are the apps safe?

Sim, os aplicativos de bloqueio de chamadas são seguros para usar. Eles não compartilham seus dados pessoais com terceiros, e você pode desativar seu serviço em qualquer momento.

Recomenda-se que você verifique as políticas de privacidade de cada aplicativo antes de usá-lo.

Since most of these apps are free, the user doesn't have to worry about spending money to protect himself against unwanted calls.

Therefore, if you are looking for a safe way to protect your cell phone from unwanted calls, there are many apps that can help you with this task.