Million Show Application


It is not today that the Million Show app is popular among internet users.

Because it is a game developed by the SBT television channel itself and which simulates one of the broadcaster's most famous paintings.  

The program debuted on TV in 1999 and rewarded contestants according to their successes, however, the maximum prize reached 1 million reais.


This painting was so successful that it became common for Brazilian families to reproduce it at home. 

Nowadays, it is possible to gather friends or play alone through the Million Show app, which is available for practically all smartphones on the market.

In addition to being completely free. Follow the next topics on how to download the App!


Why do so many people use the Show do Milhão app? 

On Google Play alone, the Show do Milhão app has already been downloaded more than 80 thousand times and has a 4-star rating, which is almost the highest rating for any App.

This is a strong indication of how virtual gaming still attracts so many people. 

But why does this happen? Fortunately, the mobile program has a simple look and very intuitive gameplay.

You can create an avatar that looks like you and the more you get right, the better your position in the player rankings. 

This ranking of players is one of the things that most attracts internet users, as they can compete against each other and test their general knowledge.

This way, in addition to ensuring a lot of fun, the App is also educational.

What are the prizes offered in the game? 

Because it was a game inspired by a television program that rewarded participants.

Many people believe that the same thing happens on the Show do Milhão app, but neither the platform nor even the TV station offer physical prizes.

It is important to highlight that when advancing levels in the game, users receive fictitious prizes that are necessary to unlock new themes in the application.

All your hits generate the accumulation of coins on the platform, which results in benefits.

In addition to improving your position in the player rankings, the correct answers made in the application allow you to choose question themes;

Such as History of Brazil, History of the World or Pop Culture, in addition to creating personalized games. 

What are the functions of the Show do Milhão application? 

In addition to being able to unlock new question themes in the virtual store, the Show do Milhão application also has other attractions.

This is precisely what makes so many people want to download the App and compete with their friends, see who they are:

  • It is possible to create your own avatar and customize it with the game's resources;
  • Different general knowledge topics are offered in the app;
  • It is possible to play with the original version, which is the same as the TV show;
  • All features are free and because of this you can reach high in the ranking;
  • The game is available for smartphones and tablets with internet access;
  • Wide variety of informative and educational topics; 
  • The Show do Milhão app is free for all ages. 

In addition to all this, during the questions and answers, players can also ask for support through letters, signs or to escape the round.

If the user gets the question wrong, they end up losing the points, but there is the possibility of stopping without any loss.

For you to better understand, the games work as follows: in each round a question appears on the screen and you have some options.

It's asking for support, skipping this phase, choosing the answer directly or stopping and receiving the accumulated points. 

How do I find out my position in the game ranking?    

In the Main Menu, important information is visible to players, such as the player's name, their status in the game, points accumulated so far, their avatar image and the App options, which are: Play, Store and Ranking . 

When the user clicks on the Ranking option, it is possible to check where they are and how far they still have to go to reach number 1, which is the main objective of the Show do Milhão application.

Those who always appear at the top of the ranking are the ones who dedicate themselves the most.

That's why the more you get the questions right in the game, the bigger the prize offered, and just like in the television show, the maximum value is 1 million.

Learn step-by-step how to download the Show do Milhão application

Finally, now that you know all the features and differences of the game.

We'll explain how simple it is to download the Show do Milhão app and create your account to start competing.

The first step is to enter your app store, which is already installed on your smartphone and can be Google Play or app store.

Once that’s done, just search for the Show do Milhão app, then click “Install”.

When the download is finished, the first screen of the application will ask you to connect one of your virtual accounts, which can be the Facebook, Twitter or Gmail.

Select the option you want and have fun!

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