Pro. Social Tariff – Discover the Discounts


Find out everything about the social tariff, a discount that can help you save on your electricity bill. This subject has generated controversy and many doubts arise.

With this in mind, we created this article to explain it better.

We will give you savings tips and even teach you step by step how to get this discount on your electricity bills.


The flag on the electricity bill changes with the arrival of drought, which is why it is so important to know everything about the social tariff.

Even though they save in every way, some families suffer by paying a very high amount on their electricity bill.

If this is your case, stay tuned for our tips and see how to get the social rate discount.


What is the social tariff?

Firstly, we need to understand this subject better and see how the social tariff works.

Once we know more, it becomes easier to find the best way to save electricity.

The social tariff program is aimed at low-income consumers and was implemented by the Federal Government in 2002.

With the social tariff it is possible to get discounts on your monthly electricity bill.

With the increase in the value of the energy bill, many families prioritize paying it and depriving themselves of other pleasures.

With this in mind, the government made the social tariff benefit available.

Who is entitled to the benefit?

As previously mentioned, the benefit is intended for needy or low-income families, who are already registered in the Federal Government system.

All households that consume up to 220kWh per month can participate in the program.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the established minimum consumption, the family must comply with some other situations that are required within the program.

Let's talk a little about each of these situations:

  • Enrollment in CadÚnico: to access the benefit of the social tariff, the whole family must be duly registered in the Single Registry of the Federal Government, called CadÚnico. To be enrolled in this item, family income per person must be less than or equal to one minimum wage per month.
  • Elderly people over 65 years old: among family members, one or more people aged 65 years old or over, or who receive some BPC (Continued Benefit Benefit) benefit from social assistance in their city.
  • Illness or disability: family with disabilities (physical, intellectual, motor, auditory, visual or multiple) and receive up to three minimum wages per person.

It is worth mentioning that in the latter case, the medical treatment or procedure must be proven, which requires the use of instruments or equipment that, to operate inside the residence, use electricity.

Who should register for the social tariff?

The duty to register the social tariff benefit for families in need has been the responsibility of the electricity distributor since January 2022.

In the same way as in case of delay, the company must reimburse the amount to the families.

This is in case there is no registration registered in the program. Therefore, the electricity company must pay all amounts unduly paid by the family.

This right is valid from March 31, 2022.

The compensation must be double the amount of the discount that was not given, since there was a delay in the registration, which is the duty of the electricity concessionaire, which serves a certain family.

How do I apply for inclusion in the benefit?

If the family meets the conditions mentioned above, and has not been registered by the electricity distribution company.

Therefore, simply ask them to classify your residence as low income, in the subclass.

To place the order, simply inform the company of the applicant's personal data, such as: full name, CPF number, identity card number or any other official document with a photo.

In families that receive the BPC for continuous use of devices, reports, certificates and medical reports must also be presented.

These reports must be complete and describe the needs of each device.

Social Tariff

Now that you already know almost everything about the social tariff, how about understanding this subject better and staying on top of all the news? Visit our apps tab by clicking here.

It is important to highlight that the energy distributor itself will search the records of each family to confirm the veracity of the facts reported.

Therefore, keep all your records up to date with your city's social assistance department.

If you are not registered with CadÚnico and would like to find out more about this item, go straight to Federal Government application, or call ANEEL on 167.

All information is secure there and it is possible to register in advance.

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