Measure Internet Speed Application


Maybe you haven't heard about the internet speedometer or you just don't know how to use this tool.

It is so important to check the quality of your Wi-Fi and mobile data connection (internet provided by your cell phone operator).

Regardless of your internet connection, that is, broadband, fiber optics, dial-up, 3G, 4G or any other, the tool that measures your connection speed is able to identify whether, in fact, the operator is offering the that was promised.


In this way, to use internet speedometer, which has free and paid tests, consumers who purchase an internet plan for their cell phone or for their entire home are able to find out whether it is a quality service and whether it is worth keeping. 

Discover the Speed Test program

O Speed Test nPerf, or simply Speed Test, is a program that aims to measure your internet connection quickly and accurately.

This tool is available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and computers. 


In the Google Play app store alone, the internet speedometer has already been downloaded by more than 200 thousand people and has a 4.7 star rating, which is almost the maximum rating.

The comments are also positive and constantly updated. 

Between the services offered by the application are: download internet speed test, upload speed measurement, latency test (input and output information), test to measure browsing speed and video streaming speed.

Why is it important to have an internet speedometer installed?

As we mentioned earlier, the Speed Test is a tool that attests to the quality of your internet and provides more security to consumers, who through this program are able to identify whether the service provider is advantageous.

However, due to the functions available in the application, its usefulness goes beyond the basics.

It allows you to have some idea of the power of your internet, especially for those who work in digital media, stream videos or play online. 

In addition to all this, with an internet speedometer installed on your cell phone or computer, you can check important information about the device, such as the IP (Internet Protocol) number, for example. 

Is it possible to increase my internet speed? Check the tips

Many people don't know, but some programs end up slowing down the internet, so it's always important to keep your device free of useless applications.

Furthermore, there are other tips that help improve your speed, see:

  • Download a program to defragment your HD or to clean the cache and cookies (files created on your device by the websites you visit and that harm your internet);
  • Keep your device always protected with a reliable antivirus;
  • Do not overload your device's memory, choose a memory card or HD with plenty of space; 
  • Use Wi-Fi repeaters at strategic points in your home;
  • If possible, opt for a good internet plan. 

When using the internet speedometer, you can also get a good idea of what is damaging your connection.

If it is identified that your internet performance is below expectations, it is recommended to contact your operator.

Finally, running a speed test before starting a live broadcast or working online is always important to prevent the user from possible connection failures.

An example of this is using the internet speedometer before playing online games.  

Understand how the internet speedometer works

The internet speedometer works based on a specific algorithm that allows the tool to measure your internet connection automatically.

In this way, identifying the downloaded bit rate, as well as the latency of your network. 

To be able to evaluate connection data, it is common for the program to request access to some information on your device, such as location, photos, multimedia content and other files.

However, no personal data is used or even shared.

According to the company that developed the internet speedometer, when you perform any connection test, it is important to follow some recommendations;

For example: pausing your downloads and disconnecting other devices from your modem.

Learn how to install the App that measures your internet

The first step for anyone who wants to use the internet speedometer, whether on their cell phone or computer.

So, create an account on website, after that the user will have all the Login information to carry out the different tests available in the tool.

If you are interested in installing the application on your Android smartphone, just open the application store and search for “Test 4G, 5G, WiFi speed and coverage map”, after finding the correct App, click on “Install” and wait for the download to complete. 

For those who use Iphone, the installation process is not very different. The user must open the App Store and search for “nPerf internet speed test”.

Now that you know how to install the internet speedometer, enjoy all the free resources!

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