Photos – Discover how to bring Old Photos to Life


A perda de um ente querido é sempre difícil de lidar. Às vezes, as lembranças de momentos passados com eles podem ajudar a conter o luto.

Uma maneira de manter essas lembranças vivas é ter fotos dos parentes já falecidos.

Namely, photographs of your deceased loved ones are a way to connect with your departed loved ones.


Undeniably, they are a vivid reminder of who they were and what they meant to you. As such, they can help reaffirm the bond you have with them.

These photographs can also help preserve the memories of those you loved. Time passes and sometimes the memories start to fade.

The Importance of Photographs

Photographs can keep the family together. When younger relatives see portraits of departed family members, they are able to meet and connect with those relatives.


Above all, they contribute to telling their stories, reinforcing the bond between current family members.

Although, they can also serve as a way to honor the deceased. They can be displayed at home or at the homes of relatives and friends, so that other people can review the memories of those you loved.

Technology and Photos

Wilderness, technological advancement these days has created many ways to preserve the memory of our lives.

Equally, smartphone apps are one such tool, allowing people to transform old photographs into new memories.

Therefore, they allow people to bring their old photographs to life. Users can use these apps to edit, add effects, and even create short movies with their photographs.

Applications and Sites to work with Photos

These apps also allow people to share their photographs with relatives and friends who live far away.

However, they are a great way to relive special moments. People can use the apps to create montages, add text, and create artistic effects to bring their old photos to life.

Therefore, we separate a list with some interesting options for you to know and explore.

  1. adobe aero: An Augmented Reality App for Animated Photos
  2. Boomerang: Perfect Your Motion Shots
  3. Cinemagraph: Create Animated Photos with Smooth Appearance
  4. Adobe Photoshop Mix: Perfect Your Photos on the Move
  5. Plotagraph Pro: Turn Your Still Photos Into Animal Photos
  6. Kinotopic: Turn Your Photos Into Animated Videos
  7. Canon Camera Connect: Take Magical Photos on the Move
  8. Stop Motion Studio: Create Stop Motion Videos
  9. Quik: Create Animated Videos Quick and Easy
  10. Pixaloop: Make Photos Animated with a Variety of Animated Effects

Discover the best site to treat old photos

The website MyHeritage oferece uma forma única de explorar a sua história familiar por meio de fotografias antigas.

O portal usa o poder da tecnologia para ajudar as pessoas a descobrir e compartilhar a história de suas famílias.

In addition, it offers a database of millions of old photographs from all eras and regions of the world. The site also offers other helpful resources to help people discover and record their family history.

Enfim, o principal recurso do site é um banco de dados com fotografias antigas de todo o mundo.

Você pode usar o banco de dados para pesquisar por imagens que possam remontar à sua história familiar.

Services offered by MyHeritage

Assim, o MyHeritage também oferece um serviço de restauração de fotografias antigas.

Se você tiver uma foto antiga da sua família, poderá usar o serviço para restaurar a qualidade da imagem.

Isso pode ser especialmente útil se ela estiver danificada ou desbotada.

Likewise, the old photo restoration service also offers the possibility of adding special effects, such as borders and the like.

However, the site also offers a service for digitizing old photographs. If you have a collection of old photographs that you want to digitize, you can rely on the MyHeritage service.   APP OLD PHOTOS WITH MOTION

Lastly, the old photo digitization service also offers the possibility of managing your image collection in an online database.

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