Online Bible App – All Versions


A good way to accompany the sacred words is through the Online Bible.

So, no matter the place or time, with your cell phone, you can have access to all the content of the holy book. 

So, whether you are a Catholic or Protestant Bible reader, there are different types of apps that present Bible verses to download on your smartphone.


This way, reading is guaranteed even when you are in an environment without internet access. 

In this article, we separate different types of Online Bible. Among the options, there are even those for children and with audio.

If you want to discover these free apps for Android or IOS (iPhone), continue following below:


Online Bible: see how the “Holy Bible” app works

in this app Online Bible, users can check out the collection of seventy-three biblical books.

They all carry the neo-vulgate translation, which for some, can be a huge difference. 

This is because this app contains the same details as those distributed by the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, belonging to the Catholic Church.

Therefore, the application brings a very interesting version of sacred texts. 

At first, the application of this Online Bible, the “Holy Bible”, was only available for devices belonging to the IOS system.

But currently, it already has its version for the Android system. Developed by Netfilter, both are free to download.

“I know the Bible” app, an excellent way to learn the Bible online

Aimed at both children and adults, this app from Online Bible it is perfect for anyone who likes or wants to decorate some parts of the Holy Book. With an appearance very similar to puzzle games, its quiz dynamic is very pleasant. 

With “I know the Bible”, users can test their understanding of different parts of the Holy Scriptures.

This is because it presents different questions about the characters as well as passages and other biblical verses. 

In this way, as the person plays the issues of Online Bible and get it right, she gets some bonuses that are later available to unlock other levels or phases.

It's worth remembering that this app is also available for Android and iPhone for free. 

Discover one of the best online Bible apps for kids with illustrations 

Children are not always able to concentrate on reading a Online Bible.

Therefore, the “Bible for Children” application is an excellent option, as it offers interesting illustrations that help to capture the attention of little ones.

With this, in this app children can follow the main biblical stories such as, for example, Noah's ark, the Garden of Eden, among many others.

Another available function is accompanying reading with audio. 

It is important to point out that the application of this Online Bible was created by LisbonLabs and is available for free download on all operating systems.

However, only the first story, that of creation, is released. The others need to be purchased in the app.

“Bible”: A practical and modern online Bible application 

With the “Bible”, the user has in his hands an application of Online Bible Perfect for anyone who wants to dedicate themselves to studying the word.

This is because it offers some unique and modern tools that make learning easier. 

With translation into more than 30 languages, with “Bible” the user can access different versions of the Bible, and find some that suit offline mode.

And all, of course, with free access to both download and content. 

in this app Online Bible, also available: audio for texts, an annotation feature, sharing excerpts with your friends, among other features.

Therefore, it is an excellent application for reading and learning. 

See how simple and safe it is to install these online Bible apps on your cell phone 

Now that you know some of the best apps for reading the Online Bible, below we have separated a brief step-by-step guide on how to install the apps on your cell phone.

So, check out the topics below:

  • First of all confirm your connection to a fast internet network. That is, if it is connected to Wi-Fi;
  • Then, depending on your operating system, go to your app store. In the case of the iPhone, it's the App Store. On Android, it's the Google Play Store;
  • Once the app opens, go to the location of the search field, and by clicking on it, type the name of the app you want to download, for example: I know the Bible;
  • When it appears, check the information if it is correct;
  • If everything is right, click on the green button written “Install”;
  • The download will start, and when finished, just click on the app icon that will appear on your phone;
  • Ready! Now just access the content. 

With this short tutorial, you can also explore the store's gallery and look for other religious apps that can also help with your Bible studies.

Another app that we also recommend for you to go down in addition to “I know the Bible” is “BibleUP! Biblical Riddles”.

It also presents some biblical riddles, which, once solved, allow you to advance to the next level.

With this application, you can play and solve questions together with your family.

Thus, it promotes a reunion of your loved ones in a fun way and without time limits. Much like the others, it is free to download. 

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