Registration 2023 – Find out how much you have to receive


As the song says: Cash on hand it's gale. This sentence has never been as high as it is today, we are certainly living in a very delicate moment financially.

However, although Brazil and the world are going through an economic recession never seen in recent years, we still find hope in better days.

With cash on hand or not, Brazilians will always party. Above all, in fact, the situation is no joke.


However, it is in these moments that the joy and willingness of Brazilians emerge as fuel to face these adversities, above all with a smile on their faces and a lot of will to win.

Cash in hand – Find out if you are entitled to amounts stopped in banks

Who doesn't like to receive that news: "I learned through the Central Bank that banking institutions have about R$: 8 billion reais waiting to be withdrawn..."

Certainly, this news sounds like a symphony to our ears, as well as the cash on hand resolveria boa parte dos nossos problemas.


Contudo, nós do Doutor Android estamos sempre em busca de pautas que de fato vão de encontro as necessidades dos nossos leitores.

This news came to many as a hope. We are going to show you the way to find out if, in fact, you are entitled to this billionaire slice stopped in our financial institutions.

Who is entitled to this amount of almost R$ 8 Billion reais?

Desde o dia 24 de janeiro, todo e qualquer cidadão brasileiro pode consultar sobretudo se tem direito a receber uma fatia dessa fração bilionária das instituições financeiras.

Sendo assim, vamos trazer para vocês algumas informações necessárias sobre a questão.

O Banco Central com seu sistema de registro, antes fornecia apenas um extrato com as informações de um cidadão com a instituição financeira.

Now the BC system, in addition to showing the extracts, has enabled a new functionality so that citizens can also check whether they are entitled to these available resources.

What are the priorities of Brazilians?

We have listed here what are some of the possible priorities of Brazilians in relation to inherent resource needs, which the lack of money has brought us in the midst of this financial crisis.

Who doesn't like a good barbecue, with noble meats, accompanied by a variety of good quality drinks, with delicious desserts by a pool or facing the sea?

Acreditamos que uma grande maioria aprecia esse tipo de evento. Entretanto, essas são de longe as prioridades e necessidades dos brasileiros de forma geral.

Em meio a esse momento turbulento que estamos vivendo, separamos aqui uma pequena lista de prioridades e compromissos a serem compridas pela maioria dos brasileiros.

  • up-to-date rent
  • Energy bill (there's no way to stay in the dark)
  • Water (no water impossible)
  • Supermarket (food is very expensive)
  • Pharmacy (hope no one gets sick)
  • Bakery (even with the increase in bread, breakfast is required)
  • School (transport of school supplies and tuition)
  • Insurance (unprotected car cannot stay)
  • Health plan (health first)
  • Leisure (also required)

Cash in hand – R$ 8 billion reais at a standstill

Pois bem, diante desse fato vamos te mostrar como e onde consultar se de fato você tem direito ou não a um pedacinho desse montante de grana.

After all, cash on hand nunca é demais.

Até o presente momento, o BC possibilitava apenas consultas pertinentes a dívidas liquidadas ou abertas, contas bancárias inativas ou ativas e dinheiro proveniente do exterior.

As informed by the Central Bank, there are about R$ 8 billion reais completely stopped creating dust in banks and other financial institutions waiting to be withdrawn.

I have rights? Find out where to make your inquiry here

Anyway, without much detour and straight to the point, we are going to show you here the step by step to know what your rights are in the face of this billionaire amount available in financial institutions.

O cidadão poderá rever os recursos e pedir o resgate de duas formas: Via Pix ou transferência. Para receber via Pix será indicado uma conta no Registrato.

A segunda forma seria o beneficiário fornecer seus dados de contato no sistema, e a instituição fazer o pagamento via transferência.

Nesse primeiro momento, o Registrato disponibilizará a quantia de R$ 3,9 bilhões que podem ser devolvidos, decorrentes de poupanças ou contas correntes encerradas e não sacadas.

As famosas cobranças de tarifas indevidas ou de obrigações de crédito de cotas de capital, rateios de associados de cooperativas de crédito e demais grupos já extintos.

For the purpose of informing, the path is very simple, access the registration site for the Registrato, e preencha as informações.

Faça sua consulta, não esqueça de consultar nossa categoria de Aplicativos, muitas novidades todos os dias te aguardam. Boa sorte.

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