Learn to Plant Lavender in a Small Pot


Growing plants in small spaces has grown a lot in recent times.

Learning how to plant lavender in a small pot allows you to have this incredible plant indoors and enjoy all its benefits.

In addition to being a very beautiful foliage, lavender has other attributes that we will show in this article. For lovers of plant cultivation, being able to keep lavender indoors is a godsend.


Even those people who have no experience with the subject will be able to learn how to plant lavender in a small pot, as we will leave you tips and tricks for planting and maintaining this beauty.

Getting to know the plant better

Before knowing everything about how to plant lavender in a small pot, how about knowing a little more about it?

Lavender is considered a type of flower that is well known in all corners of the world.


It has a wide variety of species, which enchant with their striking perfume and typical color.

There's even a color named after her! The beauty is undeniable and most of them have a purple hue.

The planting of lavender can be done through seeds that originate from its flowers, but it can also be successful when done by its seedlings or branches cut after pruning.

lavender cultivation

Success in planting lavender will depend on some important factors, which we will explain better now.

It is known that the plant is very sensitive and demanding regarding the climate and soil to grow.

First of all, you need to define the species of lavender you intend to plant and the purpose of its use.

It can be used for decoration, perfumery, teas and many other things, it all depends on your intention!

There are more than 450 species of this plant, which do well in a wide variety of climates and soils around the world.

As we are in Brazil, let's talk about lavender cultivation in our country.

Planting lavender in Brazilian soil

We know that there are many species of lavender, and to know how to plant lavender in a small pot in our country, the most recommended species is Lavanda dentata.

This is because it adapts better to our climate.

Nothing prevents other plants of the species from being cultivated here, but the chances of successful cultivation are much greater when we use the lavender seedling mentioned above.

As mentioned, other species of lavender also ended up adapting to our climate, altitude, natural environment, among other defining factors.

So, in addition to dentata you can plant other species.

lavender dentata

If the idea is to know how to plant lavender in a small pot, to have this plant indoors, let's focus now on the information about this species, since it is the easiest to grow around here.

Some of the curiosities and information about this species of lavender need to be taken into account before starting its cultivation.

This guarantees the success of the planting result. So let's find out more:

  • It can be found under the name of French lavender or even Brazilian lavender;
  • Its size can reach up to 60 centimeters in height and its leaves are green with gray in gradient;
  • The shape of the leaves is toothed, which gave rise to the scientific name of the species;
  • Lavender flowers are purple in most cases, but they can have a color that resembles light blue;
  • At the tip of its flowers, a kind of thorn grows, which is where the characteristic and striking aroma of the plant comes from;
  • Perfumery is the branch that uses lavender the most, as its scent is highly appreciated in this area, due to the eucalyptol present in its composition.

Despite being very well known, it is always important to learn more about this little plant.

This is some of the most pertinent information about this species of lavender, which also has phytotherapeutic purposes.

benefits of lavender

The characteristic aroma of lavender stimulates our body's central nervous system.

Furthermore, it is a powerful expectorant and nasal decongestant. For this, the best option is the essential oil extracted from the plant.

As if that weren't enough, it has even more to offer! Camphor is also found in its composition, widely used in burns and to stimulate cell regeneration.

Other uses are natural repellent, which can be made from its flowers, powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic.

Phew, I bet you want this beauty at home now!

How to plant lavender in a small pot

Interested in growing plants at home? Take a look at our tab tips that you will find a lot of other information and curiosities about this subject.

For those interested in knowing how to plant lavender in a small pot, to have this plant very close, click here to understand about planting seedlings, the ideal soil and care for good results.

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