Discover the RG Digital App


To throw identity in a fully digital way is already possible in the state of São Paulo digital RG, this excellent news was given by the Civil Police of the state in question.

This measure will certainly make life much easier for those who need to issue this important document.

The Secretariat of Public Security is also responsible for digital RG.


This digitized version can be used throughout the country, even if the person no longer has the physical version of the identity document.

Remembering that to enjoy the digital RG, you must be over 16 years of age.

In addition to having the first identity issued in the state of São Paulo, it was issued from 2014 onwards.


RG Digital QR code

New identity documents must contain on the back;

In other words, on the back, the Qr code, so that it can be easily identified by the body that will be requesting your identification document.

The whole process is extremely fast and easy to do, just for the user in question to download the application. RG Digital SP, the app is available for both the Android and Apple systems.

It's super simple to install and use.

Any intermediate user, who already has the habit of downloading applications from accredited stores, can carry out the entire process of issuing a digital ID;

Without any difficulty, as everything is super intuitive and fast, this way inclusion is more comprehensive.

How to Issue the Digital ID

After downloading the app, installing and granting the necessary permissions, which are mandatory, the user in question must click on “Add RG” or, if the user intends to issue a duplicate, just click on “Emissir Segunda”.

Then just put the identity document number with the identification digit and click on “Request”. To proceed, you must accept the terms and conditions that the application asks for. It is always important to read the terms and conditions.

After clicking to accept the terms and conditions, it is necessary to click on “Recognition” to begin the biometric validation procedure.

At this point, the application will give instructions about the distance between the camera and the registrant's face.

The tip is to choose a place with good lighting, in addition to making sure that the cell phone camera in question is in perfect condition for use;

Because blurry or unresolution images are not accepted by the app, pay attention to these tips so that you can validate them.

How Long Does the Digital RG Procedure Take?

The entire process is very quick and easy to do. Continuing, after carrying out the facial recognition mentioned above.

The platform will ask you to create a password that contains 4 digits or enable the fingerprint reader to speed up future use.

Once the entire process has been completed and everything is correct, the system will ask you to complete the registration. From there, the user just clicks on view ID and that's it.

It is also possible to access the newly created digital identity document through the “My Wallet” option.

Technology Comes to Core Documents

It was to be expected, as technology advances rapidly in all areas of society, and it could not be different in registration systems such as ID, CNH, CPF, among others.

Modern life already calls for these changes urgently.

After all, the great role of technology is to make life faster and easier so that we can have more time for pleasant tasks and enjoy more time with the people we love.

Live the modern life! And welcome to the third millennium!

There will be a day when a simple glance from a human being will be able to identify all his documents, education, training and all aspects of the person in question.

Or perhaps we will be scanned, and through this we will be completely revealed.

As long as this wonderful future is not our reality, let's be content with what digital RG, as a first leap into this area of our lives.

We are still learning to live with these new technologies. And let the future come!

It is worth remembering that I need to be careful with malicious applications, which aim to capture user data and behavior;

The tip is to identify whether the app is safe through the internet, comments and reviews, as everything progresses, crime also advances.

Finally, just follow the step-by-step instructions of this post and issue the digital ID or issue a duplicate.

It is worth remembering that for now it is only available in the state of São Paulo, however, it should reach all of Brazil in a short time! Good luck!

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