Gestational Diabetes App – Monitoring


Have an app specialized in gestational diabetes symptoms on hand and keep track of everything there.

Learn how to download the app through our step-by-step guide and speed up your daily life. Find out more about this disease and its treatment options.

Let's delve deeper into the subject of gestational diabetes symptoms, to clarify once and for all, the most pertinent doubts about this subject.


Incorporate the application into your daily life and make everything easier.

Manage diabetes with this incredible and completely free app.

It is worth mentioning that this app has already been classified three times as the best app for gestational diabetes symptoms, by Healthline. It's the best app for controlling diabetes.


What is gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a disease characterized by an increase in common blood glucose levels.

During pregnancy, gestational diabetes can end up causing some complications.

Whether for the pregnant woman or the baby, a certain blood glucose level is recommended.

When this level increases a lot, you need to be monitored by doctors specialized in this subject.

One of the main complications that gestational diabetes brings is direct interference with the functioning of the heart and kidneys.

Which can cause hypertension and kidney failure in mother and baby.

Gestational diabetes symptoms

Let's now talk about the main signs and symptoms that gestational diabetes can cause.

Among the most common symptoms are constant thirst, accompanied by a frequent urge to pee.

Some people who suffer from gestational diabetes also reported that they felt very tired.

An unusually common tiredness that is felt by people who do not have the disease.

The gestational diabetes symptoms control app helps monitor these and other signs.

In addition to being possible to monitor the development of some risk factors that cause the disease, such as:

  • Arterial hypertension in pregnant women or before becoming pregnant
  • Excessive weight gain during pregnancy
  • Pregnancy that happens in older women
  • High level of triglycerides found in laboratory blood tests.

App for managing gestational diabetes

It is important to highlight, right at the beginning, that the application is completely free and online.

This is a great advantage for users who want to control and monitor the evolution of the disease more closely.

The app has a fully customizable panel, where the person can include items of greater specific need, such as the medications that are taken, with their names and times.

Graphs with glycemic levels also appear on the screen, clearly enough to be monitored day by day.

You can also insert monthly, weekly and daily reports to obtain reliable data on gestational diabetes symptoms.

Functionality when using

All data entered in the application for gestational diabetes symptoms are automatically recorded. This allows the collection and evaluation of information every day, helping to monitor and control the disease.

You can write down everything inside the application: daily meals, diet with the minimum and maximum allowed consumption of carbohydrates and the medications that must be ingested at the times determined by the user.

All insulin and blood glucose levels entered in the app will be recorded and saved daily in a super safe and functional backup.

This helps a lot during a routine appointment, providing the doctor with the correct information.

paid features

As previously mentioned, the application for controlling gestational diabetes symptoms is free.

However, users can opt for a pro version, which is paid monthly at the discretion of the user.

This version is more complete and offers some extra services within the same application.

Anyone who already has the Accu-Check device can activate this version for free and enjoy the best the app can offer.

Pro users can do smart searching by creating their own database.

It is still possible to search for physical activities and places that offer special meals for people suffering from gestational diabetes symptoms.

Download the app right now

This and other apps that may be interesting are available on our website, in the apps.

It's really worth taking a look and discovering what's latest on the application market.

now click here to download and quickly follow the evolution and main details of gestational diabetes.

If you don't have the disease, recommend this app to someone you know.

This will certainly help a lot to those who need it and guarantee specific support for pregnant women who are going through this phase.

This application can also be used for those with type 1 and 2 diabetes. Take care and see you next time!

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