Approved Gas Aid – Discover the Benefit 


O gas aid kitchen was announced as approved this Monday (22) by President Jair Bolsonaro.

The benefit will serve as a palliative after the price increases that represented a percentage of 44.77%. 

Currently, the 13 kilo cylinder has already reached the value of R$140.00 reais in some regions.


Data released by PENSSAN (Brazilian Research Network on Sovereignty and Food and Nutritional Security) already show worrying rates. 

Therefore, the gas aid seeks to help reduce hunger in Brazil. Before the pandemic, the number of food insecure families was 57 million.

But, in April 2021, with the pandemic, the number grew scandalously to 116.8 million.


Understand a little more about how the gas aid will work

O gas aid The federal government was responsible, which sanctioned the law allowing the distribution of this social benefit.

As a result, families that correctly fit the program guidelines will be able to receive it. 

Thus, the benefit will be distributed every 2 months, in an amount corresponding to a portion that includes, at least, the value of 50% of the average price of a gas cylinder of 13 kg of LPG. 

For this calculation of gas aid, according to the decree, they will use the value determined by the SLP (Price Survey System), carried out by the ANP. Currently, SLP says the average value is R$102.48.

How will the resources involving the gas allowance be managed?

With the announcement of the new benefit of gas aid In the midst of an economic crisis, one of the biggest questions is regarding the resources that will pay for it.

The Ministry of Citizenship spoke about this. 

According to them, some details are still uncertain, and should be discussed in the future by the federal government.

However, for the month of December, a budget of R$300 million will be used, which already exists in the department itself. 

In this way, the law of gas aid is already in force, and is valid for 5 years.

As the approval is still recent, new information about its operationalization as well as other rules and regulations must be released soon. 

Find out which families can receive gas assistance 

like the gas aid will not require any type of registration, it was announced that the low-income population will be covered.

In other words, they are those who have an equal or lower income linked to this classification. They are:

  • Families registered in the Cadastro Único program;
  • Families that have, among their members, a recipient of the BPC (Continued Provision Benefit):
  • Or else, families with a per capita income equal to or less than R$550.00 reais; 

In this way, these restrictions gas aid help make the benefit reach those who really need it.

Avoiding, for example, people who register falsely to unduly receive social benefits. 

Therefore, the aim of this program is to positively reach the income of around 19.3 million families.

Thus, the approximate numbers of beneficiaries are: 14.6 million families from the old Bolsa Família, and also, 4.7 million from the BPC. 

If you meet any of these requirements, know that you are entitled to gas aid.

To date, 30 installments of this benefit are expected to be paid over the 5-year duration. 

What is and who can take part in the Continued Cash Benefit?

Those who are part of the BPC will be entitled to gas aid. This program is provided for in the Organic Law of Social Assistance (LOAS) and aims to help people who are socially vulnerable and who have a disability. 

Therefore, while it is active, people in this program receive the minimum wage every month.

Unlike retirement, it is not necessary to have contributed to the INSS. It is worth mentioning that it does not cover 13th or death pension.

Therefore, to be entitled to it, the person must: Be elderly, aged 65 or over;

Or, be a person with a disability, of any age; be Brazilian or prove residence in Brazil; per capita family income less than R$275.00; and everyone is in the Single Registry. 

Find out how to include your family in the Single Registry to gain access to gas assistance

To have access to gas aid, one of the requirements is that the family is part of the Single Registry.

With this in mind, we have separated some important information for those who intend to enter the program.

Initially, one must Access the government website and research which unit closest to your home is responsible for carrying out registrations.

This is because, for the Single Registry, there is no way to carry out the process online. 

Therefore, it is important to know that those who register need to be over 16 years old, and present their ID or Voter ID card as documentation.

However, be aware that some city halls may request different documents. So check it out.

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