Discover 4 Free Finance Books


Dealing with money is not as simple as it seems, so knowing good free finance books.

However, it is a great option to build your pillar of knowledge in the area, this can help you now and especially in the future.

If you want to learn how to deal with personal finances, having knowledge is always welcome.


Unfortunately, not everyone has the means to fully educate themselves in this area, and if you know where to start learning everything becomes easier.

Thanks to technology you have more ways to do this.

Therefore, if you want to learn about good options for financial books without spending anything extra, read the following article and find out more.


free finance books

Learning and dealing with money is much more than just being able to pay the bills.

As we grow, we become accustomed to earning enough to pay for expenses that are priorities.

These are the ones you can't live without, such as energy, water, rent and grocery bills.

And sometimes we manage to add other less important expenses, but in the end there is always little money left or simply nothing.

Learning personal finance will allow you to organize yourself with the amount you receive without experiencing difficulties at the end of the month, in addition to being able to invest for the future.

You can even learn to help people in your family or friends.

see now 6 free finance books:

How the economy changes your life:

This is the first of free finance books from our list.

Through it you come to understand why Brazil doesn't have greater wealth, unravel questions about the minimum wage and several other doubts about general saving in the country.

This book was created to make people aware of how the Economy works on a daily basis. It also serves to show readers the consequences of governments' actions.

That's why it can be a great book to start understanding the country's finances and what influences yours. 

Get Out of the Red: The Definitive Guide to Getting Out of Debt and Saving:

The second on our list of free finance books It is ideal for those who cannot regularize their financial situation and don't know where to start.

Through the book Get Out of Red you will achieve:

  • Establish a new relationship with consumption;
  • Create and implement an action plan;
  • Sort and prioritize your worst debts;
  • Change your habits and be happy!

There are 7 chapters that show not only what to do, but how to organize your pocket and gain a better quality of life. 

It's common to go into the red when your salary seems too small for your consumption, and the interest and fines on debt only make the situation worse.

Financial guide for those who live alone: 32 infallible tips to save in a solo career:

If you have only been living alone for a short time and are unable to organize yourself financially, this book can help you a lot.

When you leave home, you deal with some expenses that you didn't have before, or had help paying for.

Therefore, the fourth on our list of free finance books will give you precious tips that will help you organize yourself. With it you learn to:

  • Respect your budget;
  • Pay attention to small expenses and lifestyle;
  • Separate the essential spending from the superfluous;
  • Maintain your financial health.

Living alone is much more than gaining independence and privacy. It is also necessary to develop awareness of one's finances and learn how best to manage one's expenses.

The 100 Rules of Money: The Most Important Secrets to Creating, Managing, and Accumulating Wealth:

For those who already have an idea of personal finance and want more advanced tips, the book The 100 Rules of Money was created.

The fifth item on the list of free finance books serves to help future entrepreneurs.

He has several boards of Experts and Business Directors, who have learned, through their diverse experiences, to create rules for success.

This book summarizes several of them. 

Through this book you can not only plan for a new business, but also correct mistakes in an existing company.

Therefore, it can be a good free option for those who are studying on their own.

How to read these free finance books?

All the free finance books from our list you can purchase it on Amazon's Kindle app.

The Kindle is a digital book reader with the ideal size and weight for use anywhere.

However, it is not necessary to have the device to download the app. Just go to your Play Store app store and install the app.

After that, just register on Amazon and you can download the books on today's list.

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