Food Assistance – How to Register


Find out everything about food assistance and its rules.

Discover how to register and withdraw food aid and even check out a step-by-step guide to access incredible tips about the benefit.

The national congress approved new rules for food aid beneficiaries. Workers who will be entitled to the benefit must comply with some of these rules.


Find out how to register to check if there is the possibility of receiving food assistance.

Throughout the text, you can also clarify possible doubts regarding receiving this money.

What is food assistance?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what this benefit is about.


With that in mind, let's delve a little deeper into the topic so you know everything about it. Firstly, it is important to know:

  • Food allowance is a benefit that is paid to most Brazilian workers who are registered in the CLT system;
  • It is a type of income supplement, to increase the earnings of workers on their payroll;
  • The main idea is not to spend salary money on food, thus keeping this expense apart from the amount received monthly;
  • Ease of shopping, using a card and speeding up payment in markets and other locations;
  • All sanctioned changes still need to be approved by the executive to become law and take effect;
  • Food aid is a benefit that is paid to most workers, but there are companies that have not yet adapted for this type of payment;
  • Municipal civil servants must demand the payment of food aid so that it is part of the payroll;
  • All changes must be approved by law for compliance with the rules to be required.

New rules were recently created in order to improve this benefit that helps so many people.

These rules changed some aspects regarding the payment and receipt of the benefit.

The approval of the Provisional Measure, referring to food aid, was approved by the chamber of deputies and also by the federal senate.

It was already in force as it was sent by the government itself.

New benefit rules

Now food aid has stricter rules, after the approval of the provisional measure on the subject.

Companies that allow the use of the benefit value for purposes other than food will be punished.

After some investigations into food stamp payments, even subscriptions to cable TV plans were discovered, using the money received in the amount of the benefit.

This investigation also discovered many other frauds related to the cards that were used to receive the benefit.

Other frauds were discovered and changes were made to prevent this kind of thing.

Benefit cards

One of the changes approved by the national congress was the end of subsidies that were intended for hiring specific brands to use the cards.

Previously, it was possible to receive discounts on the value of food aid, just by using the card to make purchases.

The loss was quickly accepted by the brands, and these lost amounts were later deducted, in the very places where the benefit card was accepted.

These places passed on these losses to their own consumers, which was considered harmful to workers.

At the end of using the card, the worker was responsible for the expenses, and this, in a way, harmed him financially.

If the practice continues to occur, even after the ban, the card brand may be fined with amounts of up to 50 thousand reais.

Portability and convenience

The changes made in relation to food aid for workers, bring with them many new features that aim to help even more those who receive the benefit.

As of May 1, 2023, each worker will be able to choose the flag they want on their card. Workers who already have a card can port it.

This way, the beneficiary can choose the card brand that is most favorable to them, giving them more freedom when using their food aid.

This choice and portability can be made free of charge.

food allowance

For more tips on programs and benefits for registered or self-employed workers, click here and stay on top of all the news about this and many other subjects.

Learn all about the new food aid rules and how to register, click here to be directed to another page. There you will find all this and much more.

It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to be very careful when providing your personal data when registering online.

Make sure the website in question is safe, avoiding losses and fraud. Thank you for reading this far!

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