FGTS – Extraordinary Withdrawal


Find out everything about the FGTS withdrawal in this article. We will show you how to access the mobile application and also in an easy and safe step by step.

Don't miss the opportunity to secure your FGTS.

Make the FGTS inquiry and withdrawal directly from your cell phone and don't waste time facing queues and all the banking bureaucracy we already know.


With just a few clicks on your phone screen, you can withdraw your FGTS and still stay up to date with the news about your benefit.

Understanding more about the benefit

Before knowing how the FGTS withdrawal application works, it is necessary to learn a little more about the benefit.

This way it's easier to get straight to what you're looking for, and not waste any more time.


The FGTS, or length of service guarantee fund, is a benefit of the Federal Government, which guarantees values for workers who are dismissed from their jobs, without any just cause.

Until recently, workers who resigned could only withdraw FGTS for exceptional reasons.

Now this has changed, and money can be withdrawn through various other means and ways.

When is it possible to withdraw the FGTS?

Often the worker has money in an account, through the FGTS, but cannot withdraw it because there are prohibitions and rules.

Now the FGTS withdrawal can be made for several reasons. We will describe some of them here:

  • Emergency withdrawal: this type of receipt was made available at the time of the pandemic. This helped countless Brazilians, who had the benefit withheld and could not receive the money.
  • Health: even before the pandemic, the amount in the FGTS balance could be withdrawn if the worker confirmed a serious illness, through medical reports and other forms of proof.
  • Real estate credit: similarly, when you want to obtain real estate, you can withdraw FGTS to finance, for example, land, house or apartment, through the Federal Government's Minha Casa Minha Vida program, in partnership with Caixa Federal Economy.
  • Birthday withdrawal: in this way, the payment of the balance is made according to the month and date of the beneficiary's birthday.

In any of the ways mentioned above, FGTS withdrawals can be made through Caixa Econômica Federal bank branches, throughout the national territory.

With advances in portable technology, workers can now consult, transfer and withdraw FGTS directly through the application.

This can be done using the official FGTS application, which we will show here.

mobile apps

As said before, applications for smartphone cell phones are all the rage these days.

Due to their safety and practicality, they were well adopted by the population and speed up day-to-day tasks.

The same goes for bank accounts. Today, almost everyone has a bank application on their cell phone, allowing them to check balances, statements and make transfers.

The famous PIX is one of the most used ways to carry out banking transactions today. Cash is increasingly out of circulation.

Withdraw FGTS

It is a banking application, which shows users all the ways to withdraw their benefit.

Securely, the app's interface provides shortcuts that take you directly to official pages and websites.

This way, within the application you can do almost everything that was previously done at bank branches, including FGTS withdrawals.

Within the app, you can check your balance and transfer it directly to an account of your choice.

With the amount in the account, the only choice is which way to withdraw the money.

Transfers, pix, or even withdrawal in person, at the bank branch where the money is located. Very practical, right?

using the app

Before finding out how to download and use the app, how about keeping up to date with all the news related to the subject and also finding tips to boost your cell phone device?

Just access our page apps and discover a world of possibilities.

Now let's start our walkthrough. First click on withdraw FGTS so that your search is redirected to the application store page.

You will now go straight to the application in question. Once done, click on the green button to install the application on your cell phone.

It is important to highlight two things: firstly, the application works completely free of charge, and secondly, to download and use the app, you must be connected to the internet.

Now just open the app icon and start your searches and consultations. Thank you for reading this far and enjoy!

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