Application Meaning of Dreams


Maybe you never thought there was one. Application Meaning of Dreams with countless possibilities of interpretation.

Save, completely free, however, this tool already exists and will surprise you with the number of themes available!

The interpretation of dreams and symbolism is not something new, quite the contrary, psychology has been studying this topic for many years.


However, nowadays it is much simpler to have access to content focused on this practice, especially on the internet.  

O Application Meaning of Dreams it also has a Premium version, which stops displaying ads while the user studies the symbolism of dreams.

The price is affordable and well worth it for anyone who wants to delve deeper into the subject.


Why download the Meaning of Dreams App? 

How many times have you dreamed about something over and over again and wondered what it could mean?

This is something common and the interpretation of these dreams can help you identify thoughts that, until then, are only in your subconscious. 

In the Meaning of Dreams Application you can access an extensive collection of themes and symbols that may be related to your dream.

These symbols range from objects, fruits, animals, feelings, places, actions or events.  

For each type of theme chosen by the user, there will be one or more interpretations, which you can share with others or save in the App with a bookmark.

Understand a little more about what symbology is 

Symbology, which can be defined as the study or interpretation of symbols, is present in several areas of our lives, such as physics, mathematics, literature and art, for example. 

Symbols are nothing more than the representation of something. For you to understand in a practical way, imagine a road sign, normally there is no written language.

In the case of dream interpretation this is no different, the symbols that are present in your dream can also be used to understand it.

Therefore, the Dream Application brings together a series of elements and explains their meanings. 

Positive points of the Meaning of Dreams Application

Now that you know the main objective of an application that helps people interpret dreams through symbolism.

It is also interesting to know the differences and advantages of this App, follow: 

  • Wide variety of topics and easy-to-understand explanations;
  • Possibility of using it free of charge or for a reduced price;
  • You can save your favorite subjects and consult them whenever you want;
  • The list of themes is present right on the main screen in alphabetical order;
  • If you forget to save any previously viewed subject, you can retrieve it through your search history.

The Meaning of Dreams Application is an easy-to-use tool and does not request any personal data from users who enter the platform.

This way, you just need to install it on your smartphone to have immediate access to the content. 

Finally, for those who want to delve deeper into the study of symbols and interpret dreams more easily.

The application also has more complete texts in all articles, which can be accessed in the paid version.  

How much does it cost to subscribe to the paid version of the App? 

For many people, the free version of the Meaning of Dreams Application is more than enough to access symbol interpretations.

However, for other users, the appearance of ads on the cell phone screen ends up being a problem. 

Furthermore, for those who wish to contribute to the work of the App developer.

However, as it offers a wide list of themes and subjects about symbolism for free, subscribing to the paid version is also an excellent option.

In all of these two situations, the cost to remove the ads and contribute an affordable amount to the platform costs is just R$ 5.99.

Subscribers also have exclusive functions, such as clearing history and searching for full texts. 

How to install the Meaning of Dreams Application?

Fortunately, the Meaning of Dreams Application is available for most smartphones, specifically those with the Android operating system.

But the symbol interpretation tool is not yet enabled for iPhone. Download the application and know the meaning of your dreams.

Therefore, to download the App on your cell phone, the first step is to open the application store (Google Play) and search for the name of the program you want to download.

Once done, click “Install” and wait until the entire process is completed.

Access our category Tips and take advantage of many opportunities.

Once you download the Meaning of Dreams Application, you will not be asked for a Login or Password, that is, no type of registration on the platform is necessary to access the services.

Now that you know how to install the App, enjoy all the benefits!   

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