Cold Beer at Home app


Have you ever imagined the convenience of receiving that cold beer at home, quickly and in a very practical way? Now this is possible thanks to the app that we are going to show you here today.

Now it's easy, for those who like to have a cold beer in the comfort of their home. Read our article until the end and see the step by step to get an application that delivers beer by delivery.

And there's even more, the beer of your choice, already arrives at your cold house. That's right! Don't spend time worrying about how to get a cold beer right away, just use your mobile app.


Cold beer

Before talking a little more about the app, let's find out more about the history of beer. Did you know that in some places around the world, the drink is consumed at room temperature?

In Germany, for example, people have the custom of ingesting the liquid at room temperature. It is worth mentioning that the temperatures there are much lower than in Brazil.

Levando isso em conta, os alemães não priorizam o consumo da cerveja gelada.


Eles chegam nos mercado, pegam a cerveja nas gôndolas e já consomem na hora, sem ao menos levar à geladeira.

territorial differences

Já sabemos que na Alemanha não se gela a cerveja antes de beber, mas será que isso só acontece por lá?

Você já deve ter visto nos filmes que, alguns personagens, tomam a cerveja sem estar na geladeira.

In others, people open the fridge and take cans or bottles to consume the famous cold beer. What differs from one another is where people live.

Countries and places that are colder, choose to drink the drink without freezing, since the temperatures there are often below zero. In our country, the habit is to consume cold beer.

Consumption of cold beer in Brazil

Quem conhece um pouco mais sobre essa bebida, que é paixão nacional, sabe que existem muitas diferenças entre as marcas consumidas.

Algumas são puras, outras são feitas de forma artesanal.

De acordo com o gosto de cada um, as escolhas são feitas entre os mais variados tipos de cervejas vendidas.

A única regra seguida por todo brasileiro, é tomar a cerveja gelada, ou trincando, como alguns dizem.

 Depois do futebol e do samba, creio que o consumo de cerveja gelada, pode também ser considerado uma paixão nacional.

São poucos os brasileiros que não são muito fãs de uma cervejinha!

delivery apps

Now that you know a little more about beer, let's talk about the apps that offer delivery in delivery format. This service is nothing more than a form of home delivery.

Com a pandemia, tal serviço cresceu no nosso país e no mundo inteiro.

Fora os comércios que já forneciam o serviço de entregas, como lanchonetes e restaurantes, outros também se adaptaram à moda.

Several new services have adopted the delivery method, as most people have had to be in isolation for some time. Some of the many delivery services we have today are:

  • Food: various types of food are delivered at home. From the famous marmitex to even more sophisticated and special foods.
  • Snacks: practically the service with the highest number of deliveries, snacks are a national craze. Hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, portions and much more can be eaten at home.
  • Medicines: most pharmacies adopted the delivery format aimed at profits and also at the convenience of customers. Deliveries are not just medicines, but other items such as personal hygiene, daily care, among others.
  • Drinks: as we have already mentioned, it is now possible to receive your favorite drink at home, whether alcoholic or not. From natural juices to cold beer, they can be ordered directly through the application, to your home.

cold beer delivery

Ficou curioso sobre esse aplicativo incrível, que entrega cerveja gelada na sua casa? E se eu te falar que tem muito mais novidades?

Dá uma conferida na nossa aba de apps, and stay on top of the main releases of mobile apps.

Now let's go to the step by step to order cold beer at home, using only the cell phone. Start by clicking here para abrir a loja de aplicativos no seu aparelho de celular.

Clique no botão verde para instalar o app. Lembradno que para baixar aplicativos no seu celular, é necessário que o aparelho esteja conectado à uma rede de internet móvel ou wifi.

The better the quality of your internet connection, the faster the download will be completed. After downloading the app, everything is ready, now just choose your brand and order your cold beer. Enjoy!

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