BBB 2023 – See how to follow 24 hours a day


Há alguns dias, o BBB 2023 fez a sua estréia na Rede Globo de televisão.

A casa mais vigiada do Brasil ganhou novos participantes, que prometem trazer diversão e entretenimento para os telespectadores.

Não houve nenhum babado muito forte nesses primeiros dias. No entanto, é bom ficar sempre ligadinho para ficar por dentro de todas as novidades.


Pensando nisso trouxemos esse app incrível para acompanhar o BBB 2023

Assim como em outras edições, o BBB 2023 conta com participantes famosos, chamados de CAMAROTE, e com participantes anônimos, conhecidos como PIPOCA.

Usando essa dinâmica, existem mais possibilidades e diversidade dentro do programa. 


BBB 2023 is already a national craze

Para quem acompanha o BBB desde a primeira edição, já sabe que o BBB 2023começou com tudo.

Existem os participantes que já são considerados preferidos e também os que já estão sendo cancelados.

As previously mentioned, the dynamics of placing famous and anonymous people in the same place, gives viewers a wide variety of stories and information within the BBB 2023

It is already certain that BBB 2023 will have the same airtime as the other programs. However, you never know if there might be a problem or unforeseen event. The season is estimated to end in May.

BBB 2023

One thing that hasn't changed from last year's edition is the show's host. BBB 2023 features Tadeu Schmidt, who won the hearts of those who watched the 2022 version.

The substitution of presenter, showed great approval from the public, who adored Tiago Leifert, but melted with love for the charismatic and playful way of the former presenter of Fantástico.

To stay on top of all the news from BBB 2023, nothing better than following the program 24 hours a day, right? We brought a preview of the new participants. Follow!

BBB 2023 participants

Para ser um dos participantes da casa mais vigiada do Brasil, os interessados anônimos, se inscreveram pela internet, em um determinado período de tempo.

Já os famosos foram cotados pela própria emissora de TV.

The contract with Globo lasts for 06 months and after that, it may or may not be renewed. Let's get to know a little about each of the BBB 2023 participants and some details about them:

  • Amanda: is a 31-year-old intensive care physician who came from the state of Paraná, from the city of Astorga;
  • MC Guimê: 30-year-old Brazilian singer, married to fellow singer Lexa, is part of the famous group that is on BBB 2023.
  • Tina: 29 years old, born in Benguela, Angola. She is a model and marketing analyst;
  • Bruno: 32-year-old pharmacy attendant. Fan of Anitta and Lady Gaga, he was born in São José da Laje, Alagoas.
  • Gabriel Santana: 24-year-old Brazilian actor. He was part of the cast of Chiquititas, a children's soap opera on SBT.
  • Cristian: degree in Physical Education and born in Caxias do Sul. He was a sports advisor in Rio de Janeiro.
  • Kássia Marvvila: born in Bento Ribeiro, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, she is a pagoda singer.
  • Key Alves: is a volleyball player with the most followers in the world. She is 23 years old.
  • Marília: makeup artist who entered reality with more than 800 thousand followers on Instagran. He is 32 years old.
  • Fred Nicácio: Born in Rio de Janeiro, he is 35 years old and is a doctor trained in physiotherapy. He became famous after a photo of him went viral on social media, with a 74-year-old patient. In the photo, an anti-racist caption took over the internet.
  • Sarah Aline: Psychologist born in Osasco, she is 25 years old and gained her financial independence at 21.
  • Antônio Carlos Júnior: Brazilian martial arts fighter, known in the MIEO as Shoe Face.
  • Domitila Barros: 38 years old and has several professions. Among them, she is a businesswoman, model and actress.
  • Ricardo: Passionate about skateboarding, he is 30 years old and works as a biomedical doctor on the outskirts of São Paulo.

Esses são alguns dos nomes dos participantes do BBB 2023, que ainda tem famosos como a ex Rouge, Aline e a atriz brasileira, Bruna Griphao.

Outros anônimos também farão parte do elenco dessa temporada.

Application to follow the BBB 2023

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Para baixar é muito simples e fácil. Primeiramente, certifique-se de estar conectado a uma rede de internet.

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