Inclusion Aid Application


Learn how to download the application to access inclusion aid and other benefits from the Federal Government. Have all the data at hand and request services directly from your cell phone connected to the internet.

Learn how the application works and step by step to download it on your cell phone. We will explain to you in a clear and easy way, everything about the benefits of the Federal Government, in addition to showing you all the functions of the application.

Stay tuned until the end of this article and have all the necessary information to know who is entitled to inclusion aid. Learn how to download the application and consult all your rights without having to leave your home.


free application

Firstly, it is important to emphasize that the inclusion aid application works completely free of charge. Any other that is presented and that is not free, it is not the real application.

With advances in technology, even scams are in a different guise. So, you always need to be aware and check the security of the site that presents you with an application. Many of them are used for technological scams.

With that in mind, we have written this article, which will teach you the safe way to access information about inclusion aid and many other applications for benefits from the Federal Government of Brazil.


What is inclusion assistance?

This aid was regulated in Law 14.176/2021, but it has been studied and proposed since 2015. The main objective is to support and encourage people with a disability to enter the job market.

Intended for people who already benefit from the well-known BPC and also for those who have received said benefit for more than five years, starting in 2016. With this, it is possible to earn an extra income.

For this, it is necessary to be within the norms and rules of the inclusion aid and prove the real need for it. This somehow prevents fraud in the system and brings more security to program beneficiaries.

Who is entitled to receive and what is the amount?

This is an amount paid by the federal government to all beneficiaries who are duly regularized with the National Institute of Social Security, the INSS. There are several rules that must be observed.

An INSS ordinance, dated November 2021, contains all the rules on receiving such a benefit and other information relevant to the matter. It can be requested by people who have some kind of disability and can prove it.

Anyone who has been part of the BPC program before, also has their right protected, to receive the inclusion aid. The value of the benefit is R$ 606.00 for the year 2022 and can be changed over time.

Rules to be obeyed

In order for a person to receive inclusion aid, certain rules must be met. They are established so that there is consistency with the real needs of each beneficiary, making it difficult for there to be contradictions. Some rules are:

  • Updated enrollment in CadÚnico (Single Registry of the Federal Government)
  • Be duly enrolled in the General Social Security System
  • Not having a restricted name with credit protection and restriction agencies
  • Income of up to two minimum wages in the family
  • Be a BPC beneficiary or have received this assistance in the last five years
  • Prove disability through updated medical report.

All these details can prove the real need to receive the inclusion aid. With them, the Federal Government can keep the registration of all beneficiaries up to date. This brings security to the beneficiaries.

To clear all doubts about the inclusion aid, you can go to the assistance and social development department of your city, there you will find your CadÚnico data and other information.

Request your benefit

First, you need to register on the My INSS website. This can be done via computer or mobile phone. Just enter the site and make your account with username and password. With this data it is already possible to apply for your benefit.

Telephone assistance is provided by the INSS central number, which is 135. Follow the step-by-step instructions given by the attendant and make your request for assistance quickly and in a very practical way. Another way is the INSS application.

But if you are looking for ease and practicality, we will teach you a very easy step by step at the end of this text. This way it will be faster to register and check whether or not you are entitled to inclusion assistance.

Downloading the Help Brazil application

First of all, I invite you to learn more about all the Federal Government benefits applications, accessing our tab apps. There you will find all the news in applications for smartphone mobile devices.

On your phone or computer, download the app Inclusion Allowance to begin your consultation and possibly complete your registration. You will be directed to a new page and you must click install app.

After that, just register in the application, informing some data that will be requested, as well as the number of personal documents, email address and a few more details. All information provided is kept secure. Do not waste time!

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