Google Translate App – Step by Step


The application Google translator is a widely used tool that facilitates real-time translation of texts and conversations between different languages.

To download and install the Google Translate app on your device, follow these simple steps:

Open your device's app store (Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iOS).


In the search field, type “Google Translate” and press “Search”.

Locate the official Google LLC app with the Google Translate icon and click it.

Tap the “Install” (Android) or “Get” (iOS) button next to the app name.


Wait for the app to automatically download and install on your device.

After installation is complete, open the app and follow the instructions to configure your language preferences and other settings.

The application is ready to use. Just type or speak the text you want to translate and choose your desired languages to get instant and accurate translations.  CONHEÇAR APLICATIVO

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