Teacher Application – Help with Studies


As app for teachers teaching is no longer guided solely by paper, pen and blackboard. And both students and teachers benefit from these new teaching tools.

As a result, the way of learning and teaching has changed, making classes more practical and realistic. 

Both inside and outside the classroom, new technologies from various applications available in stores help with tasks.


So, whether on a cell phone, tablet or computer, it is certainly possible to learn many things.

Such as, for example, a new language, organizing tasks, facilitating the distribution of activities, among others. 

During the period of social isolation, the use of app for teachers It was essential to try to maintain classes with the best possible quality.


Therefore, we have separated some information about applications that will help in classes. So, follow along:

“Class Dojo: Classroom and Home” a great app for teachers to integrate with students

In this app for teachers, a very interesting function is the possibility of actually creating a community with students.

This is because it is also important to record the best moments of classes and, finally, share them with the students' parents.

In “ClassDojo: Classroom and Home” the user can register in one of the 4 categories. These include: Teacher, Parent, Student or School Leader.

This app's main function is to help teachers encourage their students' skills with the “Try Harder” function.  

This one app for teachers It's free and available for Android and IOS.

It can be used to share digital activities, as well as send photos and videos to parents. Teachers can also send instant messages to their guardians. 

“Microsoft Office Lens PDF Scan” is the best app for teachers and students to transform documents 

This one app for teachers It can also be of great use to students. Since, in a simple and practical way, you are able to get a mobile scanner of your choice on your own cell phone.

Currently, “Microsoft Office Lens PDF Scan” has more than 10 thousand downloads on the Google Play Store.

Available for Android and IOS systems, this application can scan, cut, edit, save and share files.

With it, the user can convert images to PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Additionally, printed texts can be saved in OneNote, OneDrive or on your cell phone.

That is, with this app for teachers it is possible to digitize the contents. In addition to saving in different formats, including your own notes.

Furthermore, in conjunction with OneNote, organizing files is made easier, which helps with your study routine. 

“Google Classroom”, an app for teachers to create their digital classroom 

O app for teachers “Google Classroom” allows teachers to create their online classroom.

Available to any user of a Google account, it mainly facilitates the communication and integration of students and teachers both inside and outside the classroom.

With “Google Classroom”, teachers can optimize class time and eliminate unnecessary use of paper.

Likewise, he can create groups, communicate with students, and in addition, distribute activities and most importantly, maintain organization. All this, in the same app.

In addition, in this app for teachers Class materials, such as documents, photos, videos, among others, are then automatically placed in folders on Google Drive.

Therefore, “Google Classroom” is available for free for Android and IOS. 

“Canva”, an excellent material creator and editor 

“Canva” is an excellent option for app for teachers save time creating your class materials.

With ready-made, attractive and functional models, editing details is simple and intuitive, whilst still delivering a quality result.

Above all, users can also get creative. And with that, create your own projects from scratch.

This way, resources such as filters, stickers, pictures, text styles, images and other resources can be used. Therefore, making projects customizable and certainly unique.

Some of the types of documents that can be created are: posters, PowerPoint presentations, cards, resumes, flyers, planner, letterhead, menu, infographic, activity sheet, photo montage and much more.

The app is free and can also be used on your computer. 

“Clip Escola”, the app for teachers to organize their day-to-day school tasks

O app for teachers “ClipEscola” is another excellent option for those who want to organize classes.

Furthermore, it can provide more integrated communication. In other words, it facilitates conversations between students, parents and employees on the same school line.

See below some of the features of this application:

  • An agenda to keep track of all the errands;
  • Digital signature: Can be applied to documents, contracts, registrations and re-registrations;
  • Live streaming of classes;
  • Student progress monitoring;
  • Entry and exit control of all students;
  • Shared calendar of all scheduled school events;
  • Teacher's virtual diary;
  • Mobile payments, in an automated process;
  • Real-time dialogue between school, parents and students;

“ClipEscola” is available free of charge for Android and IOS systems. Currently, the application has more than 100 thousand downloads on the Google Play Store.

The objective of this application is mainly to provide communication and integration between everyone who forms the school environment.

Using this and other app for teachers, the school routine becomes safer and more interactive.

This way, parents and guardians can monitor their children's daily lives and can help resolve problems more easily. 

How to get these apps and improve your study routine?

For some time, it was considered that technology could hinder the development of studies. However, today we see how beneficial it can be if used correctly.

Finally, before downloading the apps presented in this content, first, make sure your cell phone or tablet is connected to a Wi-Fi internet network.

Then, click and enter your application store (Play Store or App Store).

Afterwards, find the search field. So, type in it, for example, the name of the application you want to download.

And after that, also press “Enter”. It will often be first in the list of apps. After confirming, click on the “Install” option.

Ready! Without a doubt, once the download is complete, your studies will change positively.

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