5 Sources of Income – Working from Home


Sources of income to work at home are being increasingly sought after by people who wish to have autonomy over their professional lives.

After all, from the moment you act as home office You enjoy many benefits, such as:

  • Owning your own time;
  • Less expenses;
  • No stress with traffic;
  • Useful time with the family;
  • Possibility of having good earnings.

However, it's not always easy to see ways to earn money without leaving home, since being an entrepreneur is not a simple task in Brazil.


However, there are some opportunities that are very visible, but maybe you don't realize it at the moment.

For that reason, see below the 5 sources of income to work from home today.

1 – Room rental

Do you have a room or other space in your house available? So, know that you can use it as a way to earn money.


The reason for this is that today there are already websites where you can connect with people interested in renting this type of environment for a certain time.

Therefore, it basically works like lodging hotels, but with a more affordable price.

Consequently, the person saves and you can have an extra income there in the month on a frequent basis.

By the way, if you live in a tourist city, for example, it is possible to increase the price per night according to the times of greater visitation.

So, if you are interested in this way of making money working from home, just register the space you have on the Airbnb website.

2 – Sources of income to work from home Thrift store

Lately there has been a great rise of thrift stores, as people are beginning to become aware of the need to reuse things.

In addition, this type of business tends to work with lower values than stores, so it is a way that customers also find to save.

That said, creating a thrift store is also one of the most profitable sources of income for working from home.

So, to begin with, you can separate the clothes you don't wear anymore, asking your family members to do the same too.

You can even organize a kind of shop in your house or, if you prefer, set up an online thrift store.

In any case, gradually it becomes possible to gain visibility, making your revenue extremely high.

3 – Importation of products

Everyone knows that imported products have great relevance in the national market.

The reasons for this are the most diverse, ranging from the quality of the item to its low price.

So, sources of income to work at home by importing products turns out to be a very promising business idea.

So, all you have to do is buy the product on foreign sites for a lower price, selling them at home or on the internet, making your profit.

In that case, the tip is to look for items that are well-accepted in your region. Today the most commercialized in general are:

  • Electronics;
  • Clothes;
  • Cosmetics.

4 – Sources of income to work from home gourmet ice cream sale

If none of the sources of income for working from home above appeal to you, how about selling gourmet ice cream?

It is a business idea with low investment and making quality products you can stand out very easily.

For this, you can produce ice creams with different flavors, exactly to have more visibility.

As you sell, you can still use word of mouth marketing to increase your clientele.

By the way, with the arrival of summer this is really a way to earn money without having to try too hard.

5 – Make healthy food to sell

Finally, you can still take advantage of the summer and the fitness wave to have sources of income to work at home selling healthy foods.

In this way, by following the business trend, it becomes much easier to be successful, selling a lot and earning high revenue.

See an opportunity on Airbnb to rent a room and earn extra income.

In that case, you just need to know how to cook or count on the help of someone who can help you in this regard.

Therefore, it is enough to make the disclosure on the internet itself or among the neighborhood and acquaintances.

Soon, in a short time you will be reaching levels never imagined with a very simple business.


As seen, there are several sources of income to work at home and you just need to choose one or more to start dedicating yourself and making money.

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